
Thought for the day – Monday 27th July 2020

|John 13:34-35 : “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”

Relationships are so important in life – and I am lucky enough that my job, as a lay worker in the areas of Gainsborough and Chantry in Ipswich, involves building relationships with people I meet – which is an absolute joy!

Over the years I have met and befriended many people and some of my very best friends now, are people I have met through my work.

During lock-down I strove to keep in touch with my friends, on line either over zoom, Facebook, or by email, making Facebook videos, making telephone calls and sending letters and cards.

Just last week Neil and I packed the car up with many packages to deliver to my friends at the end of this school year, prior to the school holidays starting….. craft boxes for families, birthday presents and cards, leaving cards and presents for Little Lambs’ toddlers who were leaving toddler group and heading off to Nursery School or school in September, and thank you presents and cards for my volunteer helpers. It was such a pleasure to see and chat to them all – I had missed seeing them all in person very much.

It is especially important that we as Christians, are always in close relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For, in being in this close relationship, we will always strive to do God’s will, and not our own – and God’s presence will filter through us to bless others.