Put off

Some months ago, I bought a new pair of slippers because of the condition of those I have worn for a long time. As I prefer wearing socks in the slippers, and the new pair were tight on my feet and needed a shoehorn to assist, I found it much easier to continue with the old pair. The new pair “kept looking at me” every time I went into my bedroom and as a result of writing this contribution, I decided to try again.  Such an easy thing to do that only needed a little effort and persistence that reminded me of a spiritual application.

Paul in three of his epistles (Ephesians 4 – twice and Colossians 2) uses the phrase “put off” and in Ephesians 4 verse 24 encourages his readers “to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”  I recall, as a teenager, being surprised by the comment of an older man (probably half my current age) when he remarked about how he was regularly tempted to do wrong and had to “fight” to resist these negative thoughts. I have discovered that being a Christian for over 70 years does not make for an easy life and just as my slippers challenged my unwillingness to change, so in the Christian life there is a constant need for effort and persistence. I recognise that God the Holy Spirit is available to help, but it still needs determination from us as individuals.

Of course, the easy answer is to throw out my old slippers. If only it was as easy in my spiritual life!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for all the resources available to help us in our Christian life. Please encourage us to play our part in “putting on the new self”. AMEN

PS. The old slippers have been disposed of.