Pumpkin Pie

6oz Shortcrust Pastry
12oz Cooked Pumpkin
2 Eggs
4oz Caster Sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
1 Pinch Ground Ginger
1 Pinch Ground Nutmeg
4 tbsp Milk
Take about 6oz. of shortcrust pastry. Don’t worry if you are not good at pastry – supermarkets sell blocks or ready to use pre-rolled sheets in the chilled aisle. Line an 8″ pie plate.
You will need about 12 oz. of cooked pumpkin. I cook mine in a steamer over a pan of boiling water – the smaller the chunks the quicker they will cook. When soft, either mash or rub thro a sieve.
Beat together 2 eggs, 4 oz. of caster sugar, 2 level teasps.of cinnamon, a really good pinch of ground ginger and ground nutmeg.
Gradually add in the sieved pumpkin and about 4 tablesps. of milk. Pour into the pastry case. Bake at about 200c / gas mark 6 for about 15 minutes to set the pastry.
Reduce the heat to about 180c/ Gas mark 4 and cook for around another 30 mins. until the filling is set.
Best served warm, with cream.