Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is a much loved and remembered Psalm and is often read at funerals.  The words are very comforting and reassuring especially in times of sadness. During our recent Cafe Church we were thinking of shepherds and the parable of the lost sheep. One of our challenges was to revisit the Psalm and rewrite it replacing the shepherd with another occupation which reflected our own personal life. 

It was a quiet time while we were all thinking about our response but each person came up with a picture which was innovative and reassuring.  We now have some of them on a board in the church so that others can stop and read them.  They are written anonymously and some members are happy to share them.  I will send one or two at various times and I invite you to read them and think about your life and perhaps try writing one of your own.  You may be surprised at what you come up with. 

Psalm 23 Revisited

The Lord is my musical director, I shall not ignore his wise advice

He makes me think and count

He leads me in my timings of the music, He encourages me

Even though I make many mistakes,

I will fear no criticism, for you are with me;

Your love and your grace, they comfort me;

You shelter me in the presence of my enemies.

You lift me up; you restore my confidence

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

And I will play beautiful music in the house of the Lord forever.

You, Lord, lead us and guide through our daily lives. You encourage us, comfort us and reassure us when we are uncertain or fearful.  You are our strength and you never leave us to struggle alone.  Thank you.  Amen