Psalm 143: Worshipping under pressure

We are all under pressure at times – deadlines to meet, demands made by others, time pressure, financial pressure, losing car keys, health scares. Pressure comes in many forms, and like London buses pressures often come one after another. We might cry out “what else can happen!?”

David was a man who knew pressure. He also knew he had a God to whom he could say what he really felt. He was at times paralyzed with fear and a sense of hopelessness.

However, even in his despair, David was able to worship God. He remembered all the good things God had done for him. He reached out in prayer, putting his trust in God and asking that God would teach David to put aside his own opinions of what he needed to do, and for God to teach him to submit to God’s will, acknowledging that it is in God’s strength and not our own that we will be on level ground.

Often God’s will for us leads us in a different direction to the one we might have preferred. However, asking God to restructure our lives and our priorities will always result in those daily pressures taking on a different perspective.

Worship God, the next time you feel under pressure and ask him to help you do his will, for he is your God and he will bring you onto level ground.

TFTD: Based on Spring Harvest 2021 Bible study series “Worshipping the God of all in all of life” Edited by Mark Greene from licc which looks at the topic of worship in the Psalms.