When I sorted out my Mother’s things after she died over 10 years ago now I found a small spiral bound notebook.  It is a book of prayers my mother had written and I treasure it.

Mum was the President of the Women’s Meeting (as it was called then) for about 6 years and the booklet contains many of the orders of service and her prayers.

These prayers are lovely, my Mum was a member of the Methodist Church all her life and she had a strong faith.

I thought I would share one of her prayers which she wrote for the meeting in February 2009 and you may like to use today:

Dear God, remind us that every moment of our life is precious so that we may use our time doing those things that bring us closer to you.  Teach us how to serve you, to give joyfully, to share willingly and to love totally.  Remind us that we cannot serve when greed, doubt, fear or anger fill our minds.  Fill us with your love so that your blessings will shine through us into the world.  Each day as we wake be present in our thoughts and may every moment of our lives be a channel through which some measure of your love may help others.  May we trust you for what is to come and give us the confidence to follow in your way.   Amen.