Playing with fire

We had a couple of lovely sunny days in mid-February, which inspired a neighbour to have a bonfire. As far as I could see the intention was to dispose of some trimmings from tree clearance work a few weeks ago. The fire went well and a huge tree stump was added to the blaze, presumably with the intention that it would gradually burn away to nothing. It may well have done so.

Later that night we were awakened by blue flashing lights; the fire brigade had arrived to extinguish the smouldering stump. No doubt someone was worried by the glowing fire in the dark of night and made a precautionary call. The blackened stump remains as memorial to someone’s idea of a good day’s gardening and for us disturbed sleep.

A garden bonfire is technically illegal if it causes pollution and may be harmful to health. The smoky fire was potentially polluting and was pretty acrid at times. On top of that, it will have been alarming to anyone not used to the behaviour of a smouldering fire. Putting it out was a safe option even if it may not have been necessary.

We are approaching the time when we remember the lengths the established religious leaders went to in order to extinguish the activities of a preacher they considered harmful to health and the environment. Unlike the Framingham Fire Brigade, they  could not snuff out the shoot from the stump of Jesse; in fact it still burns today.

Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ who is alive and lives among us.

A Prayer

Lord Jesus we are so glad your fire burns ever more brightly, warming and brightening hearts and lives. May the same Spirit that supported you all through your days on earth fan us to flame too that our witnessing may come alive to the Glory of our God and your God, our Father and your Father. Amen.