
Thought for the day – Saturday 6th June 2020

Ephesians 6 18 ‘…keep alert with all perseverance…’

The world of sport is not the only area of life where instances of perseverance or endurance cause deep admiration and worthy wonder. Think of selfless heroes or heroines of war, Odette, for example, or the people of Stalingrad; intrepid space explorers or the everyday heroes/heroines of the RSPCA; those who climb Mount Everest or the scientists who search for cures with such zeal and determination. In Christian terms we could readily think of Mother Teresa or Gladys Aylward.

Is there any activity of humankind that does not the require the unswerving perseverance of its participants at some point or other or even all the time? Think, for example, of a housewife.

In the world of nature, remember that it was by perseverance that the snail reached the Ark.

In the world of communication, the usefulness of the postage stamp is its ability to stick to one thing until it gets there !

In the world of music, it took Brahms seven years to compose his famous Lullaby – he just kept falling asleep at the piano, but when he woke up, he carried on.

The sign on the ice-cream van has a vitally important message for the Christian – ‘often licked, never beaten’!

What does it take for any wholehearted believer to see it through to the end ?  ‘It’ being to follow Jesus with enduring belief, trust and determination.

Almighty and Eternal God, help me to follow Jesus day by day
in humility and unswerving confidence.
In Jesus’ name.

Through the night of doubt and sorrow,
Onward goes the pilgrim band,
Singing songs of expectation,
Marching to the promised land.
(Hymns & Psalms 441)