Perfect timing

When my husband and I were in Northern Ireland recently Drew celebrated his birthday. It was a bit strange not having any presents to open and only a card from me. I was very aware of the weight of the case and Drew was having to wait until we came back to get his presents but we did enjoy a lovely meal with family. On the evening prior to his birthday a message came through on my mobile from our son Richard. He was wishing his dad a Happy Birthday.

I thought to myself “why has he not got the right date”. Then a second message arrived and this one said, “You’re already a year older in Singapore time.” I had initially forgotten that Singapore is 7 hours ahead.

I was guilty of getting the time wrong but our Heavenly Father never does. His time is always right even though we might not like it and often want things to happen in our time.

Thank you, Lord, that you know better than we do and that your plans for us will happen when you want them to.