
Thought for the day – Sunday 31st May 2020

Many of our church services today, whether virtual,written,on t.v or radio will be focusing on Acts chapter 2. Here the Holy Spirit is described as coming with the sound of a mighty wind and tongues of fire. Powerful images which had the effect of changing the disciples demeanour and outlook. They experienced the reality of the promised indwelling of God Himself by His spirit. Isn’t it amazing, fantastic and awesome that we too, in 2020, can experience this same Holy Spirit living in us.

We read in John 20 that on the evening of Jesus’ resurrection the disciples had the doors locked for fear of the Jews. Yet Jesus appeared to them. We may have our doors locked, metaphorically or actually, for fear of the virus today but Jesus still comes to us by His Spirit. We may not experience the Holy Spirit in the same way the disciples did on that first occasion – in other parts of scripture the symbolism used for the Holy Spirit is of a dove, oil, water to name a few- but we can experience him. Maybe He will engage with you in a more gentle way. The Holy Spirit knows us all individually and He knows our needs.

Let’s be open to His ministering to us as we celebrate this Pentecost.

Spirit of the Living God
Fall afresh on me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall afresh on me
Melt me mould me
Fill me and use me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me.
