
Over the last couple of weeks my patience has been really tested. I had to wait a long time at the hospital; Ray, my husband, had to wait to see the dentist and I was waiting for him in the car. We were to have a Smart meter fitted on a sunny afternoon and he didn’t turn up; neither did the window cleaner the following day! Not a good time.

My friends and family will tell you; patience is not one of my good points and I am always asking God for help – and I have needed a lot of help. I am always telling myself it might be me in the Doctors or Dentist who needs more time and this works for a while and then ………………………….!

How about the game of Patience, there are several ways of playing – as a group, two of you, on your own, or clock patience, etc. Chess existed in Bible times as well as dice games but not patience as a card game.

However, Paul in his letter to the Galatians (5:22,23) talks about the 9 fruits of the Spirit and his 4th one is Patience and is about our attitude towards other people. This is a quality of the Christian life highly valued by God.

Over the last year or so we have all needed to exercise patience and now we are nearly there we probably need it more. But let’s hang in there a bit longer and it will be worth it. Paul said he was striving to attain perfection and I am striving to attain patience. How about you?

May God bless you all.