
I have recently returned from the East Anglian District Synod. In the afternoon we were led in a Bible Study on Philippians 1:1-9. We were then asked to discuss in groups a set of questions. In true group discussion, it doesn’t matter how long you are given, most of the time was spent discussing the first question. This centred on verse 5… “because of your partneship in the gospel….”

How did we see ourselves “ in partnership in the gospel?”

Inevitably, and understandably, this was interpreted by many of us, as how do we work with our other Chrisitan colleagues ie ecumenically?

However, in our group, one member pointed out that this was more than, do we get on with the anglicans, and how can we work closer together?

It was also about how do we work with those in our communities, whether Christian or not to do the gospel work?

I was reminded about a comment in our housegroup recently about, “what is a thriving church?” Is it “bums on seats” on a Sunday, is it lively worship songs and deep theological preaching? Yes….but is it also about service to our community, witnessing to those in the pub, the men’s breakfast, the coffee morning, those who use the “Free Little Pantry”, those who ask us for prayer, the schools we go into, the clubs we help out with etc.

Are these not also ways of partnering with the gospel to speak it out to those we meet?

Prayer: Gracious and loving God, you met people in the street, at the synagogue, in the market place. You knew their hearts and you brought about change. Help us to reach out, to meet people where they are and to witness to your great and saving love, and to truly be in partnership in the gospel. AMEN