Outdoor Service – 4th July 6pm

The weather forecast is not looking very good but we have made plans to move inside so this service will still be going ahead – we look forward to worshipping with you.

Everyone is welcome to come and join us on Sunday 4th July in the garden at Landseer Road Methodist Church.

Rev Diane Smith and the Felixstowe Worship band will be leading us in this service of celebration where we will be focusing on the good things that have come out of the last 15 months.

The garden at Landseer Road is very large and there is ample room for all to spread out – there will be chairs available but if you do have your own that you want to bring along then please do so we have enough for everybody.

This service was originally scheduled to be held at Trinity in Felixstowe but due to the latest change in Covid regulations we are moving to an outside service so that everyone will be able to sing and worship the Lord together.

Come, Now is the time to worship