Out of the mouths of babes

Boys Brigade and Brownies used to meet on the same evening at one of the Churches we attended.

In typical style, the boys had been trying to scare the girls. Our smallest daughter came home full of indignation and informed us that she had been told that our Church had a Ghost ! and asked “Is that true?”

I was wondering about how to answer this, as indeed, some of the guide books held to the story that because we were built over the site of an old Priory, the Church could be haunted, and the boys may have seen this in print.

While wondering how to answer, our daughter came up with her own theory.

“I told them“, she said. “of course there is, it’s the Holy Ghost! “

Oh how I wish I could have seen the little boys faces.

You may well fault her theology but you cannot fault her trust, that while it was anything to do with our God, there was nothing of which to be afraid.