Our Kairos Moment

In the latest Spring 2021 Connexion magazine Revd. David Perry talks about our “Kairos Moment” i.e.” a Godly time of maximum opportunity for change to occur”.

Post-pandemic is a “Kairos Moment”.

David Perry challenges Methodists to establish “new places for new people” as we decide which path to take when churches re-open.

Communities are “fatigued, low and struggling” and this includes churches too. Some want to get back to church for normality to continue as they were before. Absence may make the heart grow fonder – but not for all. Some have tasted freedom, and are no longer going to put up with endless meetings or acts of worship they don’t engage with. Some are now looking for other ways of living out their faith.

One path leads to the familiar, other paths are opening up that are challenging but offer new opportunities.

In lockdown, as churches closed and activities ceased, people reached out into their communities in new ways to meet pressing needs – volunteering, food parcels, letters, phone calls, etc. Digital services made new connections & new ways of keeping in touch.

They became “new places for new people”.

In this “Kairos Moment” of national trauma, upheaval and change what went before is different from what comes afterwards.

As God’s people, which path do we choose to travel next?

What do we have to give to our communities in the name of Jesus?

Have we the courage & faith to take God’s love outside our church walls?

Which path is God calling us to take?

“Our next steps really matter.”

Can we find fresh ways to engage with our community we are called to serve?

This is our Kairos Moment.