Oscar Cullmann, (1902-1999), a Swiss-German theologian who lived through World War 2, gives an illuminating picture of the Second Coming of Christ.
He pointed out that every war has a decisive battle which effectively determines the outcome of the war. After this battle, there is little doubt about what the future holds.
The battle establishes defeat or victory.
Gettysburg was such a battle in the American Civil War. Waterloo was such a battle. And in World War 2, it was the battle on the beaches of Normandy.
After the battle there was never any question as to what the outcome of the war would be. Once the Allies had established a beachhead, allowing troops and arms to pour on to the Continent, the fate of the Nazi armies was sealed.
Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that more soldiers died after the invasion than during the Normandy landings. There was still to be much more fighting and deaths before VE-Day.
The decisive battle for Christians was the cross of Calvary when Satan’s defeat was assured but there is still fighting to be done, sin to be resisted.
Satan may have thought he had won at Calvary. Satan was mistaken !
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead said otherwise.
However, victory will not be gloriously revealed to the whole world until Jesus returns.
Meanwhile the fight goes on.