Now you see it, now you don’t

Thought for the day on 2 wheels!

(This series of Thoughts for the Day were inspired whilst taking a week’s break in Eastbourne with my friend Rev Rach Ward, a Minister in the Leeds South and West Circuit, previously a Local Preacher in the Ipswich Circuit)

On day 2 of our cycling break in Eastbourne, we decided to head inland. We were aiming for Pevensey Castle. On our way we passed over Windmill Hill. Unfortunately, one of us, (i.e., me), completely failed to notice the windmill – the clue was in the name of the village! However, we carried on and eventually arrived at the village of Pevensey which is dominated by the castle of the same name. (Even I managed to spot this one!)

We arrived at the village from the north, the road skirting around the outer walls of the castle grounds. For a significant distance the walls were obscured by dense trees and shrubs and it would have been very easy to miss the treasures behind. However, when travelling in the opposite direction it was easy to see the castle walls.

Sometimes we fail to see the treasures that God has put in front of us. Perhaps we are too busy just trying to keep going, forgetting to look around and see “points of interest” or people in need, even when God gives us a clue. Similarly, even when we are expecting God to show us the way, it is only when we look back that we can see that God was showing us the way even though we couldn’t “see” it. Also, God gives us more than one chance, and more than one way, to see his treasures.

Prayer: Loving God, help us to focus on where you want us to go, but also to be prepared to pause along the way, to experience those “hidden gems”. Thank you that you give us more than one chance to experience your treasures, and more than one way to live out your purpose for us. AMEN