Northern lights

A few weeks back my husband and I took the opportunity to enjoy a warm summer’s evening in our back garden. The sky behind the trees had a strange green glow – was this light pollution from the nearby airfield?

However later that night, after I had decided to retire to bed, the night sky looked completely different. There were shades of red, purple and green. As our road is presently closed-( I might have mentioned this before), we ventured out onto the road, in pyjamas and dressing gown, and gazed in awe and wonder at the spectacle in front of us. One area would change colour then subtly somewhere else would be a completely different colour. We were mesmerised for hours at the spectacle in the heavens. However, once my husband got his camera and watched through the lens of his camera the colours were even more amazing.

Here we were in the middle of an electromagnetic storm billions of miles away, where the sun flips it’s magnetic poles and as a consequences shoots out clouds of plasma , some of which hit the edges of our atmosphere and the charged particles interact with gases like oxygen and nitrogen to produce this amazing display of colour. (This is my very simplistic understanding of the phenomenon).

Seeing this display over the rooftop and fields, made me reflect on how we think we are sophisticated and superior, but we are just one tiny speck in the immensity and beauty of God’s Creation. The vastness and wonder are beyond our understanding, beyond words, yet God in his graciousness and love allows us just a tiny glimpse of his wonder.

Our God IS an awesome God!