“Noah – Post Lock-Down”

Thought for the day – Monday 13th July 2020

My friend Rev Rach Ward sent me this humorous cartoon depicting the aftermath of The Flood in the context of the present time.

It reminded me of an interview I heard recently with Rev Stuart Bell, Senior Pastor for Alive Church in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, in the webinar “Church response to Lockdown”, sponsored by the Bible Society. This thought for the day, is based on that interview.

Stuart Bell was saying that the Bible is a living tool to help us all with life’s pressures. We can look at the “big picture” of the Bible to find how the stories contained within are applicable to daily life.

There is a connection of Word and Spirit. Reading the Bible is not just an intellectual exercise, but also the Holy Spirit “breathes on it and brings it to life for us today.”

He uses, as an example, the story of Noah and how it can be mirrored into the whole Lockdown situation.

Phase 1: Noah and his family were locked into the ark for 40 days and nights – along with numerous animals. Just as we have been locked into our homes, for somewhat over 40 days, but nevertheless a comparable amount of time.

Phase 2: The waters receded, and we may see ourselves in that time of receding waters, as our restrictions are gradually lifted. However, the water didn’t suddenly disappear and everyone just jumped out of the ark, carrying on where they’d left off. It took 150 days for the waters to recede and for Noah and his family and menagerie to emerge.

For us, as the “waters” recede, we are to be patient and measured, to plan and reassess; not to just go back to our church buildings and do as we have always done.

Phase 3: Dry ground. As Noah and his family reemerged on dry ground, God gave them His Covenant promise. This was the same promise He had given Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That promise was still applicable to Noah and his family, and is just as applicable to us today.