No SatNav!

One of the Bible stories that I find fascinating is in Exodus and starting in chapter 3.  Moses was “tending” a flock of sheep owned by his father-in-law when he was confronted by an angel of the Lord, appearing to him in flames of fire from within a bush.

Yet the narrative continues with Moses having a conversation with God (from verse 4) in which Moses was advised he was being sent by God, back to Egypt. The story continues with Moses making one excuse after another until chapter 4 verse 13 Moses uses his final plea – Please send someone else.

I was reminded of a London based evangelist who, with his wife, was visiting homes in his local area to offer the Jesus video. I recall how he shared that as they arrived at the first street he prayed the evangelist’s prayer – “Lord, let them be out!”  Joking, or serious? I am sure we have all been confronted with situations where we may, at least, have used Moses’ request.

But what follows is, for me, one of the most amazing comments in the Bible. In verse 14 the Lord says to Moses, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? He is already on his way to meet you, and he will be glad to see you”

No SatNav or road maps, no motorways, yet Moses was to set out and somewhere, would meet Aaron. The hymn writer sums this up beautifully – God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as we face each day and every new situation, help us to trust you and follow your guidance, that we too may marvel at your wonderful ways of working.