So that’s it then!

We’ve lit all the candles, sung the carols, and put the baby in the manger.  The innkeeper has turned Mary and Joseph out into the stable, the angels have sung:

Glory to God in the highest

Peace on earth, goodwill to all men.

The shepherds have visited and the wise men have brought their gifts.

Now we can put everything away until next year and go back to our everyday lives.  A bit of relief for some.

So that’s it …………………….. or is it?

The angels sang peace on earth, goodwill to all men.  They didn’t give a time limit.  Peace and goodwill should be with us all the time, throughout the year.  On Remembrance Sunday I wear a white poppy and a red poppy – the red to remind me of the death and destruction of wars and the white as a symbol of peace.

Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph as a helpless babe and although they knew he was special they brought him up in their not very well-off family.  I always like to think he had a normal childhood playing with his brothers and sisters and helping his father in his carpenter’s workshop. He would have learnt about ordinary life which would serve him well in his ministry.

But I digress – is Christmas all over?

The trappings are, but Jesus was born into the world to teach us a different way, of peace and goodwill.

So don’t think now we can relax it’s all over for another year but think how we can carry through our Christian ways and outlook by praying and caring for those around us.