New Part?

Many years ago my husband bought me a Waterford Crystal clock for my birthday. I don’t think he was trying to tell me something about my time-keeping but merely buying me a present. About a year ago it finally gave up the ghost and stopped working. The clock mechanism wasn’t working. I took it to a jeweller and was quoted quite a large sum to get it fixed. I decided not to proceed and the clock sat in its usual place but the hands just didn’t move.

 A few weeks ago I thought that maybe I could get a replacement clock insert and my husband looked up the Waterford website and discovered that we could get a replacement. It arrived within a matter of days and we now have a working clock once again. The only difference is that we now have one with a lovely sound. The old one was silent.

Do you ever think that maybe you need a new part to start working again? My husband has just had a successful cataract operation so he can see again. People who have hip or knee replacements can walk better. But what new parts do we need in our Spiritual life? Perhaps new bible study or new Christian friends who can help us to be better.

I enjoy listening to the tick of my clock in the quiet of the morning when I have my prayer time as it is calming but it also reminds me that time is passing and it’s important not to waste it.

Thank You Lord for the time you give us and help us to use it to show your love to others.