Never too old to learn

Ever since I stopped growing, I have avoided buying boots and shoes. When it comes to walking boots my decision to venture into a shop was precipitated by the experience of wet feet, having worn out another pair. Until today that is! Looking ahead to a holiday in October and realising that there is precious little tread left on the soles of my boots I went off to invest. Now for a new dilemma; when to wear out the old ones, until wet feet tell me that I can get no more from them, and when to wear the new ones. Time will tell if I make the judgement wisely. I have learned a lesson, a new trick – thinking ahead where footwear is concerned. What next…

I read recently that 95% of people of school age are not in Church. Only 5% of the population of young people have a regular encounter with biblical truths. The 95% of disadvantaged youngsters may not have the wherewithal to put life into the perspective of eternity.

On the other hand, how many of us really think ahead about our inevitable death and the dawn of eternity. For many of us, I suspect, it is not until our feet are wet in the Jordan (the metaphorical Jordan I mean), that we face the reality that a new life is upon us.

In the past few weeks, I have been aware of an uncomfortable number of departures of those my age or much younger. That begs the question, am I prepared? Are you? Jesus made a few pithy comments about the unpredictability of death. My mother was fifty-four, my sister fifty-two – I am sixty-three and while I appear fit and healthy…

Going back to where I started, are we shod for the crossing? Have we done all we can to be as clear as we can about the protection we need for the journey?

A Prayer

Lord Jesus, you walk with us in life, and you gave up your life so we could transition death. Give us the grace we need to admit that we are constantly learning lessons that prepare us for whatever is next around the corner of our individual worlds. Thank you for our salvation; may we understand what it really means to be part of your eternal Kingdom. All praise be to you. Amen.