Never lost in the crowd

The Thought for the day is from 2 Timothy 2 v 19. Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”

The guillemot is a small Arctic seabird that lives on the rocky cliffs of northern coastal regions. These birds flock together by the thousands in comparatively small areas.

Because of the crowded conditions, hundreds of females lay their pear-shaped eggs side by side in a long row on a narrow ledge. Since the eggs all look alike, it’s incredible that a mother bird can identify those that belong to her. Yet studies show that she knows her own eggs so well that even when one is moved, she finds it and returns it to its original location. She is never confused.

The Bible tells us that the heavenly Father intimately understands each of His children. He knows their every thought and emotion and is “acquainted with all their ways” (Psalm 139 v 3). From morning till night He gives personal attention to all their circumstances. They are well-loved and well-known.

Have you ever watched any of the nature programmes which have shown thousands of these birds all flying about cliffs and then landing on their eggs? How they can find their own eggs or indeed how the eggs don’t fall off the rocky edges is amazing. Multiply this billions of times, as regards people, and how amazing is it that God knows each and every one.

It’s very hard for our human brains to compute this information.

Let’s give thanks that with God no one is ever lost in a crowd.