
When I think of music it is usually Classical and, in the car, I always have it tuned in to Classic FM.  But there are so many different kinds of music and musical instruments.

In Jewish times music was very important – not as spectators but as playing instruments, dancing and singing.  For instance, when the Temple was being rebuilt the priests were eager to have music.  They played trumpets and cymbals and chorused praise to God.  We read in Ezra 3:10,11 that the people shouted when they praised to God.  It must have been a wonderful sound.

God used the soothing power of music in David’s harp to chase away an evil spirit from Saul (1 Samuel 16).

Many of the psalms talk about singing to the Lord (Psalm 95) with a joyful noise.  Psalm 150 also talks about praising him with trumpets, loud crashing cymbals, lute, timbrels, strings and pipes – almost an orchestra.

Isn’t it wonderful for us now to be able to sing and appreciate our worship groups.

So let us praise and thank God in our singing.  Psalm 146, v2 says: “I will praise the Lord as long as I live, I will sing praises to my God while I have being.”

I pray that it will be so for us all.