Moving mountains

This TFTD is based on the message we heard at Elmsett a few weeks ago, based on Mark 11:22-26 and Ephesians 6: 11-15. Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, had seen a fig tree in full leaf but no fruit. He cursed the tree and the next day the disciples noticed its leaves had withered overnight. Jesus urged them to have faith in God, using the illustration of asking a mountain to be thrown into the sea, and if we have faith and pray to God, that it will be done.

What are your mountains? What seemingly impossible thing would you ask of God?

A man travelled to the west coast of USA. He arrived at his hotel after a long and tiring journey. However, all around the hotel were road works, and a building site. There was dust, and noise, and utter chaos. He had to make his way across rubble and temporary walkways to get to the hotel entrance – not what he was hoping for. His heart sank.

But having checked in, he opened the door to his tenth floor room to be greeted with the most amazing Pacific Sunset, a spectacular example of the beauty of God’s creation. And all was well.

Sometimes we have to look at our mountain from a different perspective, to see the beauty that is ever present amidst the chaos.

In Ephesians, Paul urges us to put on the amour of God to stand firm against the devil’s schemes.

How often do we ask God to move our mountain? We might even go as far as suggesting to Him how to move it! We might walk round it, we might climb up it, we might try and move it in our own strength.

Paul tells us to stand firm, something we are often not good at.

God can move that mountain, in his way and in his time.

Prayer: Loving Father, help us when faced with our own mountains to rise above them, and see your glory, ever present. Help us to see our mountain from a different perspective, and help us to stand firm in the knowledge that you can move any mountain. AMEN