Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Felixstowe Town Pastor Information

Evening – 19th September 2022

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

So far this year we have hosted information evenings looking at the Mental Health Toolkit and Domestic Abuse. These evenings are about sharing information that enable us to have a better understanding of these subjects to support people in our community or those we may come into contact with. 

Continuing our theme of, ‘Heart for the Community,’ we will be hosting our next information evening; ‘Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking’ brought to us by Mark English – Modern Slavery Group Coordinator for Norfolk & Suffolk Constabularies. 

You may have seen the recent BBC documentary ‘The Real Mo Farah’ revealing he was trafficked to the UK as a child. You might think; surely this does not exist within our community. Victims of Modern Slavery are referred to a support network and you may be surprised to know that for Suffolk, there were 109 referrals in 2020, 144 in 2021 and 92 within the first 6 months of this year. Modern Slavery is very much a hidden crime, so it is likely the numbers are higher. We invite you to come and find out more with us.

What is the ‘Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking’ session about?

This session will help you understand what is meant by Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking. It will help you   identify if someone maybe suffering from Modern Slavery. You will learn where it occurs, why people get caught up in it and what you can do about it.

When: Monday 19th September 2022, 7:30pm-9:00pm

Delivered by: Mark English – Modern Slavery Group Coordinator for Norfolk & Suffolk Constabularies

Where: Christ Church, Felixstowe, Grange Farm Avenue, IP11 2XD

How can I sign up: This evening is open to anyone to attend and is free of charge. Please register your place by emailing Clare at

Do feel free to come along if this subject is of interest to you – it would be great to see you. Refreshments will be served part-way through the evening. We will be looking to cover further topics this year for anyone wanting to find out more about subjects such as Child Exploitation & Homelessness.

Thanks for reading    

Clare Peverley
Felixstowe Town Pastors Coordinator