Misty windows

We are having some external building work done on our house, and as I write this TFTD all the windows have been covered with opaque plastic sheets. This is to prevent the wet plaster dripping onto the glass.

Whilst it doesn’t completely cut out the light, unlike the black sheets that were put up earlier at the beginning of the process, it means we cannot see out of any of the windows.

This is most dis-concerting at the beginning of the day, because I cannot see whether the workmen have arrived or not, and how many cups of tea I’m likely be making!

The view from the window in the attached image is over the fields opposite us, and has now been reduced to a vague blurry distinction between sky and field.

In our faith do we sometimes put up a barrier to us seeing clearly? Are aware of how much we are missing out on? If we cannot see our way clearly do we get disorientated or dis-concerted and confused?

There are people, of course who have either never had sight, or have lost their sight over a period of time. As a sighted person, albeit one who has had to wear glasses since childhood, it amazes me how poorly sighted people adapt to their surroundings, being able to move around using sense of touch or sound to orientate themselves.

If we are sometimes blind in our faith, there are people who can guide us, there is the scripture as our reference, and we can of course talk to God. He is there whether the view is clear or blurred.

PRAYER: Gracious an loving God, forgive us when we are looking through misty windows. Help us to see clearly, to develop our senses to experience you in so many different ways, and to make use of the guides you give us to show us the way. AMEN