
Anniversaries can be joyful but they can also be very sad. The 26th of April is going to be a sad one for our family as our beloved shih tzu, Misty, crossed the Rainbow Bridge two years ago. She was over 15 years old and in her last year she suffered many health problems but she gave so much support and love to us. I miss her every day and I often spend time watching other dogs out with their owners.

When you are walking a dog, it is so much easier to talk to a stranger. The other day I was paying for my car parking ticket and an elderly lady was walking a black shih tzu near me. Of course, I had to stroke the dog and then have a chat with the lady. We discovered that we were both from Northern Ireland but not only that. We were actually from the same town and had gone to neighbouring schools in Ballymena. She had moved to Suffolk in 1970 and I moved here in 2015. I only discovered these facts because I wanted to talk to the dog.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us animals to love and for the support and love they give to us. Also, for the ways we can interact with strangers through our pets.