Mind the Gap

The Thought for the Day is from Matthew 22 v 37.
 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind

Throughout the London Underground system are signs that warn “Mind the Gap.” They remind travellers to pay attention to the space between the train and the platform. In the United States there are signs along the highways with the single word, “Think.” The point of both is clear: In the midst of our daily routine, we often fail to engage our minds in what we are doing.

Could this also happen in our relationship with God? When Jesus was asked to state the greatest commandment, He replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” Our minds are to be fully yielded to God and as actively engaged in loving Him as our hearts and souls are.

Thinking is hard work, but loving God is a great privilege that deserves all the mental muscle we can put into it.

To grow in your love for God, keep God in your thoughts.

My son, Richard, has recommended a detective series for me to watch on Amazon, but he has also told me not to watch it in the later evening in case I doze off as you need to really concentrate throughout the whole programme. He knows me so well-Imagine dozing off watching television!

My mind can also go for a wander when I’m out walking and sometimes, I would have missed seeing someone I know if they hadn’t spoken to me. It’s very easy to get lost in the midst of God’s creation and we can only pray that people will respect this world that God has given to us.

Please pray for those who lead our church life, asking God that He will give them good judgement as they guide his people in their life together and witness to others in these days.

Let us focus our thoughts on our love for God.