MHA Sunday

Revd Crispian Acher, Head of Chaplaincy for MHA has sent this message regarding MHA Sunday which falls on this coming Sunday – June 14th.

“You will be well aware from the media that the coronavirus pandemic has been a difficult time in the care of people in later life, especially those living in care homes. Sadly, MHA has not been immune to some of the tragic events that have taken place and we are mourning the deaths of residents, members and colleagues. You may have seen BBC Newsnight on June 3rd, focussing on the work of MHA during the pandemic and highlighting some of the challenges we have faced as we have continued to care for our residents.

We have made a short video to introduce our plans for MHA Sunday on June 14th which you can see below and which we would ask you to share as widely as possible in your District during the coming week.

We hope that as many people as possible will want to join us at 3pm on June 14th, to worship together, to reflect on the impact of coronavirus on our MHA communities and remember all those who have died within MHA and beyond. The service will be streamed at 3pm on Sunday June 14th on YouTube and link will be available at  It will remain on YouTube for viewing afterwards. Donations can made here,

We look forward to the time when church buildings are able to reopen for gathered worship and we have offered your Superintendent Ministers, where we have services, the opportunity to have one of our Chaplains lead an MHA Circuit Service later in the year.”

The poster can be downloaded for printing and forwarding on here

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