Methodist Conference

Thought for the day – Tuesday 30th June 2020

Some of you may know that when I was Assistant Secretary of the District Synod and subsequently as Synod Secretary, I attended the Methodist Conference each year for about 12 years.

We have been watching the Opening of Conference (27th June) live streamed, so different from actually being there.  I felt it was strange not having that special feeling I always had of attending the Conference.  Nevertheless, it was done exceptionally well in the circumstances and there has obviously been a tremendous amount of planning and organising for this Conference.  We have watched the Induction of the President (Rev Richard Teal) and the Vice-President Mrs Carolyn Lawrence) and their addresses.

The President and Vice-President always have a theme for their year – this year they have taken John Wesley’s final words:

            Best of all is
God is with us.

I don’t know how they intend to broadcast this around the Connexion, but John Wesley’s words were said back in the 18th Century and are so relevant today and every day.

I can’t do without God being with me and I trust all who read this feel the same particularly at this time.

If not, try talking to a Christian friend or a Minister about your feelings.

God bless all who read this.