As we approach Valentine’s Day we took the opportunity at Elmsett Messy Church to explore the theme of Love – thinking particularly about the two commandments to love God and to love our neighbours.
The children had thought about the idea of loving our neighbour through the story of the Good Samaritan which we explored in a school assembly the day before, so now we thought about loving God and about God’s love for us.

We made a beautiful banner which stated God loves – and one of the youngest children added….us all! We can all learn so much!
One of our favourite songs is “Our God is a great big God” and we thought about how God holds us all in his hands. It’s quite difficult to draw round your right hand (if you’re right handed) so we helped each other out to draw a heart round our hands and how God loves us all.

We used our maths skills(!) to show how God’s love is constant and is the same whether we are big or small, using Pi!

What does love mean to you? We made some fun spinners describing how we can show love to our neighbours.

We even had love shaped grapes to eat!