Messing about on the river

I was recently walking through the back lanes of Fowey, in Cornwall, when I came across this house sign. The house was called “Toad’s place” and there was an illustration above it of Ratty and Mole in a rowing boat. Ratty is rowing while Mole sits back gazing up into the air as a dragonfly dances around his head.

Many of you may have read Kenneth Grahame’s “Wind in the willows” or seen the film. We even had a school production of the play when I was at secondary school – (I was chief stout – not sure what that infers!)

Mole, or “Moley” to his friends, is a timid, gentle, home-loving  creature. He gets fed up of spring-cleaning his home and ventures outside for the first time. He encounters “Ratty” who is in-fact a water-vole, and Moley is introduced to the river.

The inscription on the house sign I came across is taken from the book, “and you really live by the river? What a jolly life.”

Who do you identify with in this little sketch?

Moley – prefers his own company and rarely ventures out, however one day he decides to put down his feather duster and step out of his comfort zone, trusting that he will find his way around in this new world.

Ratty, is an unlikely companion for Moley, but he is astute, charming and friendly. He loves playing around the river, and is delighted when Moley takes an interest in his life. He is loyal, and willing to step outside his comfort zone of routine to help Moley.

What is it that makes you decide to step outside your comfort zone? Who or what do you trust in to guide on on your new path?

God calls us, the Holy Spirit works within us and emboldens us to take that brave step. We can put our trust in God, who will show us new and exciting things. There may well be scary moments – Moley gets lost in the wild woods, but we will emerge stronger and wiser.

Are you that friendly, affable person who makes a point of noticing any newcomer and welcoming them in, even if they appear “different” to you? Do you share your faith with others in the way you live, the things you say and do?

Prayer: Generous and welcoming God, help us to be willing to step outside our comfort zone, and help us to be willing to welcome strangers with the sort of radical hospitality you ask of us. AMEN