
My Mum always says I am the most stubborn of her four children. I can remember one dinnertime, when I was very little, my Dad saying that I couldn’t get down from the table until I had a clean plate. I don’t know what was on that plate, but it was something I refused to eat. After doggedly sitting there for some time, Dad gave in before I did!

I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t changed much. Some time ago I felt that God was asking me to do something specific. It started like a little seed of a thought in my head. But it took root and wouldn’t go away. I protested that I was too old. I mentioned it in passing to a few close friends. They agreed I was too busy. Still the seedling grew and wouldn’t go away.  I tried to ignore it – building a wall brick by brick of excuses – too old, too busy, too many poor choices, hurt too many people, too selfish, not good enough. However, by blocking it out of my vision, by trying to shout God’s voice down and cover my ears, it just seemed to pop up more. Every talk I heard, every hymn I sang, every conversation I had, seemed to refer to the same calling.

Then a “coincidence” of events happened that threw me into having to take on a similar role at short notice.  It was an amazing experience. I felt I wanted to smile all the way through. Not because I was confident doing it, or felt I could do it well, but because I had an overwhelming feeling of doing what God wanted and being where I should be.   Nothing feels better than God’s smile.

Suddenly every excuse faded into insignificance.  The metaphoric wall crumbled and I sent the email enquiring about the work I felt called into.  At once, I felt relieved and elated. It was like a weight had been lifted.  I hadn’t realised how much energy it took to keep on resisting God and His purposes. It didn’t matter to me if I was rejected, if I did my bit by accepting God’s call.

Enough about me – as you can see, I’m just as stubborn as I was sixty odd years ago! Please don’t try this at home!  This month of MAY, Maybe you feel God wants you to become more involved in His church. There are so many ways we can show Him how much we love Him and appreciate all He does for us. It’s really hard work to resist God and it’s unnecessary because He knows what’s best for us even if we think we know otherwise. The only thing resistance does is waste time which is so precious. So if you have a little MAYBE….? seed growing, don’t build a wall round it.

Don’t waste time. Say ‘Yes’ to God.