I was interested to read in the paper last year an article headed “Birdbrain magpies outwit scientists by removing trackers”.

It appears that researchers in Australia fitted harnesses with tiny trackers to the birds in an attempt to learn more about their flying habits and social dynamics. 

In order for the birds to remove the harness, they had to locate a single weak point and apply a sharp, targeted force.  The weak point was positioned so that the birds could not reach it themselves.  However, within minutes of the harness being fitted, the scientists observed that the magpies were co-operating to remove the trackers from each other.

It made me reflect on how we should be helping one another and work in harmony with each other.  With the cost of living being so difficult for many people some of our churches are doing that with food banks and warm rooms and some in collaboration with ecumenical partners or libraries.  This is wonderful and we should be grateful that those of us who have can give to those who have not.

As Jesus said: “Love one another as I have loved you and love your neighbours as yourself.