I recall a business colleague once saying to me, “That the faults we see in others are often a reflection of our own faults”. About an hour later in our conversation, he asked, “What would you say are my faults?”

I suppose many Christians have a “soft spot” for the disciple Peter, especially while in training with Jesus for around 3 years and the above conversation makes me wonder if that is why.

There are two incidents in the life of Peter that I find very interesting, In Matthew 16 verse 22 Peter took him (Jesus) aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” and in John 13 verse 9 “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” If you are unfamiliar with these passages, it is helpful to read the context.

Two challenges are presented when addressing Jesus as Lord. Firstly, to say “Never, Lord” seems to be a contradiction. Secondly, to instruct your Lord, to do more than He considers necessary appears disrespectful. There may be other reactions to Peter’s responses and it is not my intention to criticise him, but rather to ask myself if I have or even do similar to Peter.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, may we not only address Jesus as Lord but recognise what we are saying and respond accordingly. AMEN