
Psalm 119 v 33.
Teach me, LORD, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end

A Scottish shepherd stood waving his arms on the lush greenĀ hillside. His flock had broken away and was straying across the road while motorists honked their horns further adding to the sheep’s bewilderment. From the top of the slope, the shepherd tried in vain to direct his faithful sheepdog. But the chaos of horns blowing and the distance from the shepherd made it impossible for the dog to get his master’s instructions. He was distracted.

Finally, in desperation, the dog dashed up the hill to his master, leaving the confusion below. Standing quietly at the shepherd’s feet, the dog’s eyes and ears took in his commands. Then down he ran, this time knowing exactly what to do. Soon he had gathered the sheep and steered them away from the road.

As followers of Christ, how quickly we can lose our sense of direction because of the world’s distractions! Time alone with Him and His Word will clear our hearts and minds to understand His will. To hear God’s voice, turn down the world’s volume.

So often when I think about Jesus as the Good Shepherd I see him with a lamb on His shoulder but also with children sitting at His feet. In this time of confusion and fear can we pray for the little children. So much of their life has changed.

We pray that God will protect them and lead them through this time of trial and steer them to safety on the other side.