
I recently bought some garden lights. The idea is that they are solar powered – charging up during the day and then automatically lighting up at night. 48 hours of sunlight will result in the lights working for around 6 hours. As they are going to be needed in June, my hope is that they will work well into night time. However, I will only know by testing them out beforehand.

Jesus is our light, and he shines in our lives whether it’s cloudy outside or bright sunshine. We don’t need to charge up beforehand for him to shine, but by connecting with him we can recharge our batteries and shine all the brighter. We don’t need to test Jesus out, we can be assured that he shines for us, and unlike my lights, he never runs out of power.

The other thing about these lights, is that they are made for an international market. The instructions are written on the box in English, French and German.

Jesus is a light shining to the whole world, whatever language, whatever country. He came to be alight to all nations.

Let Jesus shine in your life, and may you be recharged by him and in turn shine out to all the people you meet.