Two weeks ago we had a partial solar eclipse on 25th October. On that day I was driving down to London at about the time the eclipse was happening. I resisted the temptation to look at the sun for several reasons, one being I was driving around the M25 with hundreds of other motorists!
However the clarity of the sunlight seemed different. There were clouds in the sky, some thick billowy clouds promising rain to come, but the sun outshone everything.
It’s difficult to describe but it was like being in a room with the brightest white lightbulb and no lampshade.
This may sound odd, but the sunlight felt clean and pure.
Today as I write this the sun is shining through my study window, but I am able to look at it because of blinds that I have at the window. They don’t cut out all the light, but allow enough light to brighten the room, and to also warm the air. I can see what I am doing without having to switch on the lights in the room.
Jesus said “I am the light of the world.” He brings light into our lives. His light is clean and pure, and breaks through the clouds in our lives. Through his death and resurrection, we are able to look at his light like looking through the blinds in my room, without the need for other light or energy sources.
Light of the world,
you stepped down into darkness,
opened my eyes, let me see
beauty that made this heart adore you
hope of a life spent with you….
….you’re altogether lovely
altogether worthy
altogether wonderful to me
Thank you Jesus for being that Light of the world shining, warming, encouraging us. AMEN