
I don’t know what I would have done in the past year without our garden, technology to keep in touch with family and friends and books.

The Library in Kesgrave is wonderful, they are so friendly and nothing is too much trouble.  We can order books online, they email when they are available, we make an appointment to pick them up, collect them at the table at the door – socially distanced and wearing our masks! 

When we say “thank you” to everyone helping us throughout the year I often think of our library who have helped me through and, probably, many others.

The people of the Old and New Testament were literate and had a love for learning and literature.  The famous Dead Sea Scrolls were kept in the library of the Essenes, then hidden in jars and secreted in a cave and only discovered by a shepherd in 1948.  A library isn’t mentioned in the New Testament but there are references to books and parchments.  In Paul’s second letter to Timothy (4:13) he says:

“When you come bring ……………the books and above all the parchments.”

Many Jewish homes had copies of the Torah (the Law) and it was taught regularly by the fathers to their sons.

We are in good company with our traditions of reading.  But for me even with all the technology around us with Kindles, etc., there is nothing like holding and reading a good book.

I hope many of you feel the same and we will soon be able to browse in our Libraries and thank the staff for all the help.

God bless you all.