Let go!

The Thought for the Day is from Psalm 31 v1. In You, O lord, I put my trust.

In an article for Campus life magazine, Susan Smart describes her third, and nearly last, solo flight. She had been practicing a manoeuvre at 5,000 feet when she lost control and her Cessna 150 began spinning wildly toward earth. After several seconds of panic, she recalled her instructor’s words: “If you ever go into a spin in a Cessna 150, just let go of the controls. It’s built to fly on its own.”

Susan shouted to herself several times, “Let go!” Finally, she yanked her hands from the controls and covered her face. After some wild yawning and pitching, the plane returned to level flight. She had fallen more than half a mile, but survived because she had the faith to let go.

Her experience vividly illustrates what it means to trust God in a time of crisis. In Psalm 31, David cried out to the Lord in his time of trouble. He knew that his only hope was to put his situation in God’s hands and rely on Him. 

Is your life in a spin? Let go of the controls!

The best way to handle a problem is to hand it over to God.

It’s very hard for some people to let go of the controls, myself included. We are used to organising and doing things our way but at times things have to change.

We have to learn to no longer do things the old way but in new ways, particularly in the way we worship and praise God. We have to learn to let go and hand things over to our Saviour who can level us out again into a safe flight. Thanks be to God.