The Ipswich Circuit are offering a 6 week lent course over zoom, starting on Tuesday 28th February.
Each week, we will be meeting at 7.30 – full details can be found below.

To join via Zoom Click Here
Zoom Meting ID : 960 6254 8819
Zoom Passcode : 813918
Some suggestions for Lent courses 2023
Rev Andrew Sankey is hosting an on-line Lent Course on Option 1 and is prepared to run an “in person” course also on Option 1 – subject to an invitation (please see his letter at the beginning of Ipswich Round). There are 3 other great courses some might like to explore and he is happy to help. Let him know what you choose.
Andrew Sankey mob 07966 187216 email Click Here
Option 1 Holy Habits: Following Jesus (Ideal for Lent)by Rev Andrew Roberts
Building on the Book “Holy Habits”
The course doesn’t require you to have read the book – but I would give a copy of the study book to each leader of the group “Holy Habits: Following Jesus” also by Andrew Roberts and print the key thought and questions for reflection for all attendees, (on zoom, I will project them)
- Jesus guided by scripture
- Jesus Serving with gladness
- Jesus sharing bread
- Jesus praying
- Jesus making disciples
- Generous under pressure
Option 2 From the Methodist Church Website
Potential 7 sessions exploring Spiritual Practices developed by The Inspire Network
Exploring (1) Hunger & Thirst for God; (2) fasting; (3) using Scripture
(4) Prayer 1; (5) Prayer 2; (6) fellowship (7) bread & wine
For more details – Click Here
Option 3 London Institute for Contemporary Christianity
” Sunday confidence on Monday” a Lent Devotional journey.
6 sessions from Ash Wednesday (daily App available with readings)
- Confidence through being convinced
- Confidence through community
- Confidence through compassion
- Confidence through consistent spiritual practices
- Confidence through competence
- Confidence through courage
For more details: Click Here
Option 4 From the Church of England A Lent journey of faith, failure and forgiveness
Based on the ABC Lent 2023 Book by Bishop Emma Ineson
“Failure: What Jesus Said About Sin, Mistakes and Messing Stuff Up”
(I can get copies for under £10 if you have a kindle you can get it for £8 but we could probably manage with the devotional guides (Approx £1.75 each) and the free online resources
- What is Failure?
- Understanding Sin
- Sinning as well as we can?
- Failure and the Church
- Living Well with Failure
- The Greatest Failure of All?
- You’ve never failed
For more details : Click Here