Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd July 2022

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Year C            3rd July 2022

Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 66 v10-14; Psalm 66 v1-9; Galatians 6 v1-16; Luke 10 v1-20.

The power of personal testimony

In today’s gospel reading Luke recalls that Jesus sent seventy-two of his followers into the towns and villages ahead of him as he made his way from Galilee to Jerusalem. Jesus gave them instructions to bless those who welcome them and to leave alone those who do not. Their mission was to tell people about the kingdom of God and what God had done for them.

Jesus said, “My followers, whoever listens to you is listening to me. Anyone who says “No” to you is saying “No” to me. And anyone who says “No” to me is really saying “No” to the one who sent me.” (Luke 10 v16).

Jesus was encouraging his followers to share their blessing, their personal testimony, with others as they enjoyed their hosts hospitality. Luke records that the followers returned buzzing with excitement at how, when they called on Jesus’ name, the Holy Spirit had dealt with evil spirits who sought to harm them. (v17-20).  Jesus knew his followers would be protected, just as the prophet Isaiah did when he said, “Then everyone will know that the Lord is present with his servants.” (Isaiah 66 v14b).

The Psalmist also knew the power of personal testimony, he said, “All who worship God, come here and listen; I will tell you everything God has done for me.” (Psalm 66 v16)

The challenge to us today is to follow their example, to share our story about how God has blessed us with the assurance of his love, his hope for our world and his compassion for others.

The apostle Paul, wrote to the Galatians encouraging them to show others by how they treated one another that the Holy Spirit was alive and well and working in their lives. Paul said, “Don’t get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don’t give up. God will treat you with undeserved kindness and will bless you with peace.” (Gal.6 v9,16b).

The unknown writer of the following hymn invites us to pray that the Holy Spirit may move within and among us all. (Singing the Faith no.383).

Holy Spirit, gift bestower, breathe into our hearts today.
Flowing water, dove that hovers, Holy Spirit, guide our way.
Love inspirer, joy releaser, Spirit, take our fears away.
Reconciler, peace restorer, move among us while we pray.

Holy Spirit, Christ proclaimer, wisdom bringer, light our way.
Fire that dances, wind that whispers, Holy Spirit, come today.
Ease disturber, comfort bearer, move among us while we pray.
Truth revealer, faith confirmer, rest within our hearts today.

 Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.