Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 30th June 2024

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                 Year B                             30th June 2024.

Lectionary readings:

 Lamentations 3 v22-33;        Psalm 30;       2 Corinthians 8 v7-15;        Mark 5 v21-43.

The flow of God’s love.

At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, Luke records Jesus quoting from the book of the prophet Isaiah. ‘The Lord’s Spirit has come to me, because he has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor. The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers and to say ‘This is the year the Lord has chosen’.  What you have just heard me read has come true today. (Luke 4 v18,19, 21)

In today’s gospel reading, the healing of a woman on the way to the healing of a girl, Mark tells us that ‘Jesus felt power go out from him at the moment that the woman touched his clothes’. (v30a)

Jesus seems to be a conduit of God’s healing power, not the source. Jesus did not know who had touched him or why. Jesus did not know this woman beforehand, had no knowledge of her medical condition or of her desperate need for healing, but God did. God rewarded the woman’s faith in Jesus’ reputation as a healer chosen by God. (v29).  Jesus, having discovered and questioned the woman, praises her faith. (v30b-34)

Just after this event, Jesus overhears messengers telling Jairus that his daughter had died. Jesus says “Don’t worry. Just have faith!” (v36). (The same faith he displayed in his request for Jesus’ help). Jesus heals the girl and frees the family from their suffering.

The psalmist, David, gladly acknowledges the source of his healing when he writes, “I prayed to you, Lord God, and you healed me; saving me from death and the grave.” (Psalm 30 v2)

The writer of ‘Lamentations’ describes his state of mind in the verses just before those set for today.

“Just thinking of my troubles….That’s all I ever think about and I am depressed. Then I remember something that fills me with hope*”. (v19,21) 

* Was this thought prompted by the Holy Spirit?  Is it an example of God’s healing power at work in the mind of the writer?

Today’s reading continues with “The Lord’s kindness never fails. The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning. Deep in my heart I say “The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!” (v22-24).

The reading from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians illustrates Paul’s faith in the work of the Holy Spirit. Paul urges them to be generous towards their brothers and sisters in Christ in Jerusalem. To give from their surplus, to aid the relief of suffering, in response to God’s love for them.

Marjorie Dobson conveys something of the challenge of responding to God’s unconditional love for us in her hymn “Lord, you call us to your service” (Singing the Faith No. 664 v3,4)

Seeing life from your perspective makes your challenge plain, as your heart is grieving over those who live in pain. Teach us how, by our compassion, you may fashion hope again.

Lord, we set our human limits on the work we do. Send us your directing Spirit, pour your power through, that we may be free in living and in giving all for you.

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.