Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 28th January 2024

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time               Year B                                                 28th  January 2024.

Lectionary Readings:

Deuteronomy 18 v15-20.                   A prophet like Moses.

Psalm 111                                           Praise the Lord for all that he has done.

1 Corinthians 8 v1-13.                      Honouring God instead of Idols.

Mark 1 v21-28                                   A man with an evil spirit.

Wisdom and good sense.

The Psalmist says, “Respect and obey the Lord! This is the first step to wisdom and good sense”.

Throughout the Psalm, the Psalmist is arguing that we should recognise the sort of relationship that is appropriate for a human being to have with God.

Respect’ for someone suggests that we hold them in high regard. The word ‘obey’ suggests that we do what we are told.

Most of us are comfortable with the first part, but struggle to do the second part. Why?

Imagine a conversation between Fred and Daisy.

F “Do you think that God will ask us to do something impossible?”

DWhat, like telling other people that God loves them?”

F “Are we simply reluctant to obey orders? “

D “Yes, I prefer to be asked nicely!”

F “Does that mean you like to be in control?”

D “Yes, why else did God give us free will in the first place?”

F “Would you rather God gave us some guidelines, then left it to us to interpret them?”

DWhat, like the Ten Commandments you mean?”

F “Do you think God should send someone to lead us by example?”

DWhat, like Jesus?”

F “Would you like God to help you with your thinking?”

D “By giving me his gift of the Holy Spirit you mean? Yes please!”

Wisdom is the ability to use experience and knowledge to make sensible decisions or judgements.

God gives wisdom generously to all who ask for it in faith. (James 1 v5-8)

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English version.