Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 27th November 2022

First Sunday in Advent                                Year A                                     27th November 2022

Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 2 v1-5;  Psalm 122;  Romans 13 v11-14;  Matthew 24 v36-44.

Living in the light.

The apostle Paul wrote these timeless words, You know what sort of times we live in, and so you should live properly. It is time to wake up. (Romans 13 v11a).

Paul was encouraging his readers to live according to the example shown by Jesus. In order to be ‘Followers of The Way’ (of Jesus), Paul argues that they should live in a way that is counter to the prevailing culture. A life that is not centred on selfish desires but on ‘kingdom values’, imitating the love and compassion shown by Jesus. Paul said, Let the Lord Jesus Christ be as near to you as the clothes you wear. Then you won’t try to satisfy your selfish desires. (Romans 13 v14).

Paul says that it is time to wake up, because ‘Night is almost over, and day will soon appear.’ (Romans 13 v12a). Paul is referring to the second coming of Jesus. He is looking forward to a new age, when King Jesus will rule this world with justice and mercy.

Gospel writer, Matthew, quotes Jesus’ teaching about the timing of the second coming; Jesus said, ‘No one knows the day or hour. The angels in heaven don’t know, and the Son of Man himself doesn’t know. Only the Father knows. Always be ready! You don’t know when the Son of man will come.’ (Matthew 24 v36,44).

Matthew also recorded the words of Jesus about what will happen ‘when the Son of man comes in his glory with all his angels’ (see Matthew 25 v31-46).

We know what Jesus expects of us as disciples. We are to live in the light. To show by the way we live and care for others and the world we call home, that we are his disciples.

The season of advent is a time when we prepare once again for the appearance of the ‘Light of the World’ in the person of Jesus.

Hymn writer Claire Stainsby wrote these verses for the first Sunday in advent,

(Singing the Faith 174 v1,2).

Light a candle in a darkened place,
in its flame see hope on every face,
Christ our saviour will be born,
heralding a brand new dawn,
so let it burn.

In the darkness, see the coming light,
Word of God speaks through the darkest night,
keep a watch, the time is near,
time for hope and not for fear,
so let it burn.

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English version.