Sunday before Advent Year C 20th November 2022
Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 23 v1-6; Psalm 46; Colossians 1 v11-20; Luke 23 v33-43.
Christ the King.
The lectionary year closes with readings that remind us of who it is that we follow on our journey as disciples.
During the prophet Jeremiah’s lifetime, Babylonia conquered Judah and ended its freedom as a nation, in the year 586 BC. In the years before the invasion, Jeremiah had some harsh things to say to the people of Judah about their failure to listen to God. The focus of his wrath was upon the ‘kings’ of Judah, those who were supposed to lead by their example of faithfulness to God.
The Lord said: You leaders of my people are like shepherds that will kill and scatter the sheep. You are supposed to take care of my people, but instead you chased them away. (Jeremiah 23 v1,2a).
God gave Jeremiah this message of hope for the people of Judah,
“Some day I will appoint an honest king from the family of David, a king who will be wise and rule with justice.” (Jeremiah 23 v5).
Today’s passage from Luke’s gospel takes us to Calvary, Jesus is nailed to a cross. Jesus said, “Father, forgive these people! They don’t know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23 v34). ‘Above him was a sign that said “This is the King of the Jews.” (Luke 23 v38).
The first generation of disciples could scarcely believe that God could dwell among them, as one of them, a man of flesh and blood. The gospels recall their flashes of inspiration and glimpses of revelation. It wasn’t until after the resurrection of Jesus and the insight granted them by the Holy Spirit, as promised by Jesus, that they were able to declare without doubt that ‘Jesus is Lord’. Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah, the Christ, the one that God had made King.
The writer of the letter to the Colossians, writing many years later, was able to conclude,
“God himself was pleased to live fully in his Son.” (Colossians 1 v19).
Hymn writer Alan Gaunt, reminds us of the nature and mystery of God,
(Singing the Faith No 8 v1-3).
God with us: Creator, Father, bringing everything to birth;
Mother of the whole creation, fire of stars and life of earth:
down the countless years composing, from the earth’s evolving night,
love’s response to love, and forming mind and soul to seek your light.
God with us: Redeemer, Brother, Friend for ever at our side,
here, in flesh, you walked among us, taking up your cross, you died.
Crucified, despised, rejected, Perfect Love, who shared our shame,
streaming from the cross, your judgement, full of mercy, clears our name.
God with us: Unwearied Spirit, from the birth of time and space,
surging through unconscious being, joyful, Life-Creating Grace:
through the centuries you find us; you, as God, inspire our prayer;
Life and Power at work within us, Love for ever, everywhere!
Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English version.