Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 19th May 2024

Pentecost Sunday                              Year B                                                            19th May 2024.

Lectionary Readings:

 Acts 2 v1-21;    Psalm 104 v24-34, 35b;    Romans 8 v22-27;   John 15 v26-27;  John 16 v4b-15.

The Spirit is here to help us become the people of God.

Jesus said “I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The Spirit will help you and will tell you about me.” (John 15 v26)

The Holy Spirit is defined in the ‘Collins dictionary of the Bible’ as ‘One of the three persons of the divine Trinity who is the unseen presence of God in the world. Though active in the world from the very beginning (Genesis 1v2) he came into prominence at Pentecost when he was given to the church by Jesus. His work in the church is concentrated on individual believers to whom he provides gifts and in whom he produces fruit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit enable believers to serve God and build up the church (1Cor 12-14) while the fruit of the Holy Spirit is a sign of developing Christian character. (Galatians 5 v22,23).’

Jesus said “The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God’s justice.” (John 16 v8)

The following hymn written by Andrew Pratt speaks of our need to be honest with God, and our need of God’s help to be the people of God in a hurting world. (Singing the Faith No 716)

There are no strangers to God’s love,
yet we have privatised God’s grace.
Bounded by nationhood and lies,
in fear we shrouded love’s own face.
Acknowledging our sin and greed,
we come confessing common need.

These are our neighbours and our friends,
the ones who run in fear from war,
who dread abuse by power or state,
or seek the means to be less poor;
these are the ones we have denied,
as in each one the Christ has cried.

When people seeking sanctuary
come to this place and need our aid,
then in Christ’s name let’s offer care;
through this our debt of love is paid.
God’s grace is free, this grace receive,
let actions show what we believe.

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.