Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 15th August 2021

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time                      Year B                                     15th August 2021

Lectionary Readings: Proverbs 9 v1-6;  Psalm 34 v9-14;   Ephesians 5 v15-20;   John 6 v51-58.

‘Life giving bread’

Jesus said “I am the bread that gives life!” (John 6 v48).

Jesus offers us food for our hearts, our minds, and our souls.

“Everyone who eats it will live for ever. My flesh is the life-giving bread that I give to the people of this world.” (John 6 v51).

The food he offers is his wisdom, his understanding of God’s will for us, a life in relationship.

If we feed on his wisdom we will find ourselves in an ever-lasting relationship with God.

In the Old Testament, ‘Wisdom’ is female, and speaks to us, not in a ‘Matron knows best’ sort of way, but by way of a gracious invitation to be the best we can be.

The writer of the Book of Proverbs invites us to recognize ourselves as being among the ‘ignorant and foolish’, (caught up in the ways of the world, side-lining God and paying lip-service to his kingdom values).

The writer says, Wisdom has built her house. (Proverbs 9 v1a)Her feast is ready. (v2b)

Wisdom says “Everyone who is ignorant and foolish is invited! All of you are welcome to my meat and wine. If you want to live, give up your foolishness and let understanding guide your steps”.


Jesus said,  “The living Father sent me, and I have life because of him. Now everyone who eats my flesh will live because of me”. (John 6 v57).

John tells us that, many of the disciples did not understand what Jesus was saying. (see v 60).

Later on, Jesus says to his disciples, “I have told you these things while I am still with you. But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was still with you”.

(John 14 v25,26)

In the reading from Ephesians we are told to, ‘act like people with good sense and not like fools’.

(5 v15).   Find out what the Lord wants you to do. (v17b). ‘Let the Spirit fill your life’. (v18b).

The apostle Paul taught us that with our minds renewed, refreshed and guided by the indwelling Spirit of God, we will be able to think straight. We will find ourselves acting justly and showing mercy in ways that God would want us to, as his children and as citizens of his kingdom.

In a service led by Rev Mike Cassidy, words of wisdom came in the form of an opening prayer from the United Methodist Church.

‘Holy God, joy of the universe, it is your love that brings us here. You awaken within us a love which hungers and thirsts for your truth and beauty. As we worship you, please do not give us only the blessings that we want, but also, the ones we most need.’

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.